Wherefore Ergonautic

Thinking Platforms with Matt Barcomb

We explore the differences between product management and platform management with Matt Barcomb. The discussion delves into the challenges and opportunities of building platforms, focusing on the need to enable market-facing teams to do their work better, faster, and more consistently. We also touch on the importance of user and customer discovery, organizational politics, and the need for platform teams to handle crosscutting concerns enabling product teams to focus on market-facing features.

Thinking Platforms with Spencer Pitman

How can we learn from the design principles of video games when creating effective platforms? Jabe Bloom and Spencer Pitman delve into the topic in this thought-provoking podcast.

Domain Driven DevOps

In this video, the Ergonauts discuss the concept of Domain-Driven DevOps; operational architecture built around understanding operational domains better.

Live Life, Make Art - Andrew & Nivia

The most fun you can legally have on the internet talking about software systems and systems software.

The Work Begins

This podcast is the very beginning of the new series dedicated to our exploration of the future of work.