
Domain Driven DevOps

For over a decade organizations have invested in various DevOps initiatives with a mix of success and confusion. Despite significant effort, few organizations have achieved their desired outcomes and some initiatives may have caused more harm than good. Add Continuous Delivery, Microservices, SRE, and Platform Engineering to the pile, like Agile and other transformation movements before, many organizations check an oversimplified box and then move on to the next wave, adopting practices without understanding or worse, adopting new vocabulary without changing anything.

This is a holistic interactive workshop on the principles that enable progressive and effective organizational alignment to make all the other marketing buzzwords possible. We will guide you through the process of understanding the flow of work through your organization and strategies for aligning business goals with technical capabilities. Using that understanding, we’ll identify constraints and opportunities to focus on the right work at the right time.

We’ll share a framework for organizing clear and appropriate responsibilities for software, platform and infrastructure with respect to leadership, product, development, architecture and operations. We’ll examine these capabilities through classic framing of Culture, Automation, Lean, Metrics and Sharing. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of the principles and preconditions that connect efforts to outcomes with actionable strategies you can apply even in traditional and highly regulated environments.

Attendees and Prerequisites

This training is appropriate for anyone interested in or working on delivering technology outcomes including practitioners (developers, operators, architects, product owners), technology managers and sponsoring executives. Ideally the training includes a cross functional cohort which can take the shared experience directly back to their daily workflow. The training doesn’t require specific technical skills but the context of specific technical experience can increase the relevance and benefit of the exercises.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Individuals will gain deeper understanding of the pressures that created the DevOps movement and apply that understanding to the specific context with relevant practices expanded to development, architecture, operations and product management to deliver better technology outcomes.
  • Cross-functional teams will benefit from having a shared experience aligning each function with expanded understanding of the impact of their work on the collective outcome.
  • Practical strategies and tactics to help identify and prioritize opportunities to apply new approaches in their daily work with metrics to support the effort will be developed.


Our unique experience building technology organizations and communities helped define the last decade of IT. We help organizations navigate the complex technology landscape to become better versions of themselves. Agile, DevOps, SRE, Cloud, Containers, Serverless, leverage our expertise to get beyond the buzzwords and focus on the work. Let's define the next decade together.

team people

Andrew Clay Shafer


Andrew Clay Shafer evangelized DevOps tools and practices before DevOps was a word. Andrew focuses on evolving practices to make the most of technology investments. Having experience in almost every role in software delivery across two decades, he cuts through rituals to get to outcomes.

team people

Sasha Czarkowski


With a degree in Computer Science, an MBA, and two decades of experience across development, operations, product management, and technical sales, Sasha Czarkowski (Rosenbaum) brings a unique perspective to optimizing the organizational flow of work, bridging gaps with empathy and insight.

team people

Jabe Bloom


For 20 years Jabe Bloom has focused on connecting design with software engineering and operational excellence. Jabe is finishing a PhD in Design Studies at Carnegie Mellon. His research focuses on understanding how technology and organizations coevolve together to design more effective transitions.